The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Biografía completa


Pride Month may be used to INVESTIGATE churches in America?

Beware of POLITICAL WARFARE used by the far-left during this year’s Pride Month, warns James Lindsay, Founder and President of New Discourses. In this clip, Lindsay outlines two, possible ways the LGBTQ movement — especially in June — may be used as a method to target Christians in America…possibly even resulting in government investigations of churches throughout the nation. It’s all about labeling conservatives as dangerous 'Christian nationalists,' he explains, and Pride Month may give the left the perfect opportunity to do so. He explains it all in this clip…

TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: So James Lindsey is with us. And he's hacking everybody off online.

Because I'm not sure what he is trying to warn against.

Welcome to the program, James.

JAMES: Hey, Glenn. Always good to talk to you.

GLENN: Good to talk you to.

He's the author of, by the way, of the Marxification of Education and New Discourses, founder and president.

He says, political warfare is coming, during Pride Month.

And I fear your -- your right, and I also fear that you're right about the warning to Christians.

So James, where do you want to start?

JAMES: I think maybe we'll start kind of big picture. I think we will see what political warfare is, first of all. Is when I use, basically intelligence kind of tactics against a population, to get them to act and behave in certain ways.

That you can then take advantage of for political purposes, to drive an agenda. To get the DOJ to crack down on it, whatever.

So now we know what that is. I think we will teach him tact, through Pride. Using LGBTQ, as they call it, issues as the wedge.

One of those will be to get our corporations that skew as American brands.

Ford. Target. Bud Light. You know, Americana brands to take this up, full blast.

So the conservatives will turn around. And boycott, and Target these corporations, as we should.

And almost as we must.

So we cut off ourselves, at our own knees. And Marxists will like nothing better.

Secondly, they will attack religious icons. They will go after children. We have seen this with the sisters of perpetual indulgence, or whatever they call themselves in Los Angeles.

Going after very religious offensive behaviors. And the goal will be to -- they know that conservatives, and particularly a lot of conservative Christians are getting angry.

That they're if we go to desperate.

It's almost like they've woke up a dragon. And they will feed the dragon. And get them to do something stupid, that will then get turned around and used against them.

Whether it's investigate churches. Shut down churches. Come down on conservative Christianity. Just from a political perspective.

So that they're the domestic terrorist hotbeds of the country.

And then come around, in a few months. And offer some new fake state approved Christian churches. That will fill in, the space that gets left by bulldozing what exists now.

GLENN: So you really think it will go -- I mean, I don't know why I am surprised at this.

But, I mean, that is a huge statement to make. That they will shut down our churches?

THOMAS: Well, you know, the federal government can only do so much with that.

But they can start doing investigations.

They can start digging in. I wouldn't be surprised at all, if there's a large Christian reaction that's not strategic, that's not thoughtful. I'm asking nobody, by the way, to sit on their hands and knees. That this is a common conception. What I'm saying.

But if it's not strategic, if we're not thinking intelligently about how we approach this, there are already large dossiers, written for the federal government. Saying that the cause of January 6th. Which, of course, is their favorite thing to go to.

Was, in fact, not even MAGA or Trump. Believe it -- how crazy is it, that they say it's something other than Trump?

It's Christian nationalism. Which is a rising domestic terror threat.

So if they can use some excuse to label churches, as breeding grounds for domestic terrorism. You can bet the Department of Homeland Security.

The Department of Justice. And maybe the IRS will be cracking down and spying on churches.

You can bet they'll try to push something like a second Patriot Act, that allows them to spy on churches. And do whatever else they have to do. In order to try to limit that alleged threat of domestic terrorism.

This is well-linked already in the federal government. This isn't just some media narrative. Although, that's happening too. To give it legs in the population.

This is something that they will get the public to demand. That they will say, white supremacy, tied to Christian nationalism. White Christian nationalism is the biggest threat. It's a very serious concern.

And they will use the unbelievable provocations, that they will put forth in the next month or two, for pride. To trigger Christians, into giving them the reaction they need. To justify the political moves. Against both Christians and conservatives. But also all Americans.

GLENN: So in one survey, conducted between 2007 and 2017.

52 percent, is this the claim, support some form of Christian nationalism.

Later study, Brookings Institute. Public religion research institute.

Says, only 29 percent of Americans fall somewhere around the Christian nationalist spectrum. Over half Republicans reportedly show some degree of support.

With 21 percent counting as adherents. And 33 percent as sympathizers. What exactly is a Christian nationalist.

JAMES: You know, Glenn, I wish I could tell you.

It's a very wide spectrum of beliefs. Things that are innocuous. We will have a broad cultural revival. And bring Christian values back to the public square. Meaning the level of individuals coming back to God. Coming back to the church.

Getting their Christian principles right. And living them, all the way to the other side. Where we're talking about. In say, the book that is titled, the case for Christian nationalism by Steven Wolf.

A Christian prince in the land, as the highest official, not just in the United States. But in the world.

And so this Christian prince is, of course, a Protestant recreation of the pope. And this person, is supposed to become the ultimate civil magistrate, right out of kind of old philosophy. I know we talk old philosophy sometimes, Glenn. Right out of Hegel's philosophy. Where we will have this new kind of brilliant magistrate leader. Who will have the correct ideals and principles.

And lead the country. So it's a huge spectrum of that. Anything in between.

And they're playing in a sense, both sides against the middle.

By putting out a wide spectrum of different views. So if one is unpalatable, and one too soft. They can point to the others. And bounce around the definitions.

And get people, especially Christians, to dip into their values. And say, well, you know what, I'm a Christian, and I believe in this country. So I actually align with something in this.

And I'll use the label. Which like I said, I believe is actually a gigantic federal government trap, being set for Christians, to step right into and lose their liberties.

GLENN: So let me just give you some headlines.

Politico. Most Republicans support declaring the United States, a Christian nation.

This is the Washington Post. Americans are growing more accepting of Christian nationalism.

NPR. More than half of Republicans, support Christian nationalism.

Well, I will tell you, that they will put me, and my collection of historic items, into Christian nationalism.

Because I do believe the Founding Fathers, founded this.

With -- through their help. Or through their belief. And the help of God.

And we are a Judeo Christian nation.

That's where we get most of our laws. And the ideas. They came from the pulpit.

That doesn't mean we hate other religions. Or anything else.

It just means, that's the truth of our -- of our founding.

So that makes me a Christian nationalist, I'm sure. According to them.


JAMES: Absolutely, Glenn. Absolutely. You know how the left works.

They work through insinuation, association, and fallacious claims.

So that they can take the softest possible expression. Something like what you just gave, that might convince somebody as Christian nationals.

And then tie it to the most extreme behaviors. This is exactly what the dossier, that was presented to the House, unselected.

As we might put President Trump on it. House Unselect Committee about January 6th.

It's a 56-page document. Written by a layer, named Andrew Seidel.

And he goes as far on the one hand, as giving very extreme examples.

And tying it to neoconfederacy, and people carrying Confederate flags to the Capitol. And on the other hand, he says, here's proof of Christian Nationals. It will be widespread. And it might be as something as innocuous as quoting someone giving a prayer.

That something like Lord God, bless this nation. In Jesus' name we pray.

Now all of a sudden, because you're saying, bless this nation. That counts.

So your collection, certainly.

Your views, certainly, are going to get roped into this.

In fact, what you'll find, is most of the conservative side of the aisle, will get roped into this.

I, according to my Wikipedia, I'm not even a Christian. I work with a Christian nationalist.

So I'm Christian nationalist adjacent.

But it turns out that the guy that I work with. His name is Michael Fallon. You know him.

Is not even a Christian nationalist. And is on the front line fighting against this movement and this trap with me. So the facts, will not matter to the left, is what I'm saying. They will rope people in. They'll use insinuation. Association. To rope people in. And to discredit them.

To make them the new deplorables. The new, whatever it can't be listened to. And to justify a large public scare campaign.

To get Democrats. To pressure democratic politicians to push a second Patriot Act. Investigate churches. To demand a mandate to figure out where this domestic extremism is allegedly coming from outside our churches.

GLENN: So here is something from the Joint Committee report on January 6th. That white Christian nationalists were more likely to eschew safety measures and prioritize the economy and liberty, over the vulnerable.

They're also more likely to hold anti-vaccine attitudes, oppose any federal gun control restrictions. Due to the belief, that the Second Amendment, was divinely inspired.

They're more likely to fear immigrants. And endorse anti-immigrant policies, and they oppose same-sex marriage. And transgender rights.

Holy cow.

JAMES: I'm telling you, Glenn. This is what Mao Zedong did in China. Not specifically with Christians. Although, that's relevant too.

What he did very successfully, he wrapped up this campaign, he called unity criticism. Unity. He said, we'll have unity on a new basis in China.

And he criticized viciously. Unfairly. Just like you just read. Anybody who might be able to be painted. Not even somebody who is.

But somebody who can be painted as an impediment as a new unity under it.

Then everybody that is still allowed to have a voice, a vote, et cetera, when everybody agrees. Everybody who counts, agrees. Now they'll have unity under a new basis. We see this with a push for belonging.

You see this with the pushes for inclusivity. You see this right here, with what you just said. Every bad thing that you can think of, gets tied to this label of Christian nationalism. And sadly, if they turn to some of these harder core guys, that are both talking online. And they're writing books. And they're -- it's ample evidence of people saying that they want to overturn the Constitution. They want to undo the 14th Amendment. They don't believe in the equal-protection clause. They want to get rid of the 19th amendment. They want to get rid of free speech entirely, and forced belief. They have ample evidence. This is Steven Wolf who wrote this book. Has a podcast out there, that I have seen multiple times. Because people send it to me frequently. Where he says, atheism will be stamped out in America.

What about Judaism? What about Mormonism? What about Buddhism?

GLENN: Correct. See, that is not American.

That's the deal. Christian nationalism. If that describes him, then he's neither Christian, nor American.

Because both of those go against Christianity, and the American justice for all. Freedom for all. All men are created equal.

You can follow the -- the dictate of your conscience.

Those things, they're in direct opposition to what -- what most people, who would be labeled a Christian nationalist would agree with.

I don't agree with anything that he just said.

JAMES: Right. And like I just said, is this probably a minority of the people that are a part of the movement. But the left doesn't need most people to believe the crazy stuff.

They need one person. That's it.

They have plenty now.

And it's not even, by the way, this isn't American. If I might be so bold. It's not even Christian.

The idea, if I understand Christianity correctly.

Is that Jesus came. Jesus offered his message. It's about, you come to me, if you choose, on your own volition.

This isn't about go out, force people to convert, or stamp out this or that belief, or whatever else.

And what's happening is, people are justifiably, and rightly frustrated.

They are demoralized. They are afraid for their country, and they are starting to get desperate.

They are saying, it's too late. The Constitution is already dead. The law is already captured. We don't have any other options.

And I'm not --

GLENN: You're not a Christian. Because everything, but God. Everything, but God.

Have faith. Raising someone from the dead, a little more difficult, than bringing America back to its sane place.

Not even its world standing.

Just where sanity and reason are once again followed.

That's not a big magic trick for God to do.

Raising dead. That's kind of a big thing.

What do you say, we stop saying, we're out of time. There's no hope. And start aligning yourself with the actual principles of Christ and Christianity.

JAMES: You know, I ask these fellows all the time. These Christian guys. I say why do you doubt God's timing? If you have faith, why do you doubt God's timing? The American people are waking up to this. They're waking up to this now. People have spoken about it for 30 years.

Some longer.

There are books from the early 1980s, talking about this, this march through our institutions. And people couldn't hear it or see it. But now people are waking up fast.

They're understanding the ESG is kind of at the heart of something that is going on. They understand that social, emotional learning is the heart of the brainwashing in our schools.

We're learning the targets. We're learning what's going on. We're learning it very quickly.

And we are actually, as you mentioned with the boycotts. We are willing to stand up and take a stand. Maybe we should trust in the timing of this. Because it's meant to be this way. Maybe that's the case.

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