The push for annexation of some West Mobile neighborhoods has now transformed into an effort to scale back city services provided to county residents in the police jurisdiction.
As of the last Mobile City Council meeting, the votes for annexation are not there.
The three African American city councilpersons are anti-annexation. Even though the opposition is along racial lines, the councilmen say it is not about race. They say it is about finances. Councilman Fred Richardson told West Mobilians in the police jurisdiction that they are a financial liability, and that they would cost too much to bring into the city. ( You can watch the city council meeting below, if you have hours to waste and brain cells to kill.)
If you want to hear about the rollback of the police jurisdiction, with Andrea Ramey's report below. Andrea is a Nappie Award winning investigative reporter of the highest quality.
( By the way, as a citizen and taxpayer of Mobile, I found the council's rejection of annexation to be mind-blowingly dumb.)