It was a night I'll never forget! January 5th, 2019, a surprise birthday party was thrown for me at Boyd's Royal Knight in Mobile! Celebrities like Darwin Singleton and Dan and Shelby were there, along with my friends, a blood relative and loving listeners!
How did the party come about?
Back in late October/early November, local artist Brent Amacker of, contacted me and asked me if I would say a few words at a surprise birthday party for an old friend of his named "Steve." Brent told me Steve was a fan of mine, and would be thrilled if I showed up at his party. Brent has done decades of free artwork for me, so I was glad to comply with his request.
Steve's birthday party was planned for one day after my own birthday, so- was I suspicious? No. Brent Amacker is a talented artist, talented singer, talented musician, talented thinker- all while he holds a day job. His mind goes 99 different directions at 99 miles an hour every hour, so it made sense to me that he would invite me to someone else's birthday party so close to my own birthday.
The party itself was spectacular! Many of the people I love were there, and I was honored and humbled that they showed up to wish me well.
(Many thanks to Boyd's Royal Knight for hosting the party. If you'd like to know more about the Royal Knight, there is a video further down the page for you. )
Thank you to Brent Amacker and his bride Alice, and to Shelby Mitchell for all of their efforts that pulled the party together! And thanks to everyone who showed up!
Below, I have compiled a few of the videos and pictures from social media that my friends posted. Take a look, and you will be able to see what the night was like.
At the end of the evening, I recorded this video of the mature ladies at Boyd's Royal Knight dancing to the irritating songs being played by the Cypress Creek Band. Brent Amacker is playing conga drums or something like that.
Find out more about Boyd's Royal Knight in the video below. The folks from the Royal Knight visited Dan and Shelby a couple of days ago to participate in the Cocktail Hour!
And thanks to Lagniappe for covering the party!
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