Thank you for clicking on the link that brought you here. I really love what the people at the PASCO Home are doing for people in South Alabama, and I'm always hoping to spread the word about the PASCO Home.
What does PASCO stand for?
Physical And Spiritual Christian Outreach.
And what is the PASCO Home?
It is a transitional home in Mobile,Alabama, helping men and women who are battling addictions become healthy and rejoin society as productive citizens. Here is more on that from the PASCO Home's website:
"The PASCO Home is more than a transitional home. We consider it a family - in fact, a tight family. Clients, staff, and volunteers work closely together to achieve their goals. Whether working with court situations or hammering out tough counseling circumstances, there is one guiding principle we try to uphold:
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.-Colossians 3:17
We are intimately involved with a number of churches in the Great Mobile area. We consider it a vital part of this ministry for each person to plug into a local church body."
Below, you can listen to me Henry interview people from the PASCO Home as they explain their mission.
$281,022 raised for St. Jude at our 2018 Radiothon!
By Dan Brennan & Shelby Mitchell