Trooper Ben of the Kansas Highway Patrol can teach us a thing or two about driving, and his short "how to" lesson on merging onto the interstate should be required viewing for everyone. It's pretty simple, actually; speed up on the ramp, so that when you get to the main traffic lanes, you are going the same speed as everyone else.
There's a corollary to this rule. And that would be the exit ramp, also known as the deceleration lane. You're really supposed to maintain interstate speeds until you've taken the exit.
But it isn't always possible to accelerate and decelerate properly. And thus, a final note to highway departments everywhere. Please design these lanes so they can be used for their intended purpose. No sharp curves to exit, forcing drivers to slow down ahead of the ramp. And, no STOP signs at the end of the on-ramp (this happens a lot in Pennsylvania, which has the worst roads in America -- period!). Merging from a complete stop... is a very dangerous way to merge.