Drunks Spotted Climbing on Trains in Downtown Mobile

Our news partners at NBC 15 have uncovered some shocking video of drunk Mardi Gras revelers climbing over choo choo trains in downtown Mobile!

Please, Drunk Folk, please please be careful! You could end up getting separated from some of your body parts!

To learn more, and to see the video of the drunken people, watch the news story below. The tale is told by young Cassie Fambro of NBC 15 ( who always does an outstanding job.)

Hey Mister, Throw Me Some Sanitizer!

February is usually the peak of flu season in Mobile. It's also when Mardi Gras is in full swing. So local health officials are trying a new way to keep us safe from flu germs at Mardi Gras parades. They'll be handing out hand sanitizer!


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