Celebrate Presidents Day with Ronald Reagan

Now that Presidents Day can be used to celebrate the accomplishments of ANY president of the United States, I choose this day to reflect on the greatness of Ronald Reagan.

Below, you will find video of President Reagan speaking to the 1980 Republican convention. It is one of my favorite Reagan speeches because of what he has to say, anmd the reaction of the enthusiastic crowd.

Please watch, and allow his words to permeate your conscious and sub-conscious minds so that you will become an even better citizen.

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Newly Found Mardi Gras Video from the 1970's

A local Youtuber just uploaded some great Mardi Gras video from the mid-1970's, including some classic Dot Moore!

MPD's Mardi Gras Safety Tips: No Silly String, Skateboards or Pet Snakes

In case you've forgotten the basics, or are new to Mardi Gras, here are safety tips as provided by the Mobile PD.

Changes Arrive to Mobile Mardi Gras' RV City

Less RV's this year because the city says the old RV City layout was hazardous.

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