After Shooting at Davidson High, Do We Need Metal Detectors at School?

Mobile County School Board Member Reginald Crenshaw is talking about putting metal detectors at Davidson High School after a shooting Friday night.

Murphy and Blount High Schools used the Davidson Gym for a basketball game Friday night, and a shooting occurred after the game around 9 pm. Two people were injured in the shooting.

In the video below from NBC 15's Rachel Wilkerson, you will see School Board Member Reginald Crenshaw talk about the possibility of metal detectors at Davidson High School. 

City Councilman Suspicious of Food Trucks in Downtown Mobile

Mobile City Council Vice-President Levon Manzie is concerned about where food trucks set up in downtown Mobile, and suspects that they are harming restaurants.

A Conversation with Mobile Fire Chief Mark Sealy

Uncle Henry and Mary Booth talk to Mobile Fire Chief Mark Sealy about the city's new ISO rating, fire safety and more!

What is Project Outreach?

This is a podcast interview with Scott Parks, the person who came up with Project Outreach. Project Outreach helps develop relationships between individuals with disabilities and their non-disabled peers.

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