My Favorite Reagan Speeches

During these trying times of deep divisions of opinion on the topic of our country and it's national character, I can always find solace in watching the internet's collection of Ronald Reagan speeches. 

In the rear view mirror, President Reagan looks more impressive as each year goes by.  If you take the time to watch or read his speeches from his early career to his later years, you will see that his basic views did not waver or "evolve." He always expressed his great love for the basic tenets of  the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. He talked about freedom quite a bit, and the need to be vigilant in limiting government power over our private lives.  The consistency of his message throughout the decades is something you do not see often in modern political life.

Below, you can find a few of my favorite Reagan speeches. It is my hope that stupid, ignorant and moronic people - you know who you are- will watch these videos, over and over again, until the great wisdom of Reagan cracks through their dense skulls and penetrates their brains, thus transforming their lives and helping them become productive, patriotic citizens. I know the previous sentence is grammatically sketchy, but- dadgum it- I get excited when I am trying to save our country by promoting Reagan speeches! 

TEAR DOWN THIS WALL- Every time I watch the speech below, I feel deeply proud of my country. And I get chills every single time I hear him challenge Gorbachev. It's Freedom versus the disgusting old Soviet Union! When you watch, perhaps you should stand out of respect.

MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN-The speech below was at the Republican convention as campaigned against President Jimmy Carter. It is political, of course, and also super-motivational. I like to watch it when I need a jolt of energy. At the 29 minute mark, President Reagan talks about a nationwide effort to "Make America Great Again."  He uses MAGA in the context of improving our economy. Watch and educate yourself, please. 

RUNNING FOR GOVERNOR- This is a speech he gave a tv audience as he began his run for governor of California. You can see themes in this speech that echo through the rest of his life. It's young, vigorous Reagan as he sets out to improve our nation! Watch, and imagine what could have happened if we had cloned Reagan, and had more than one Reagan helping our country thrive!

TIME FOR CHOOSING- This speech is a great piece of history, and will let younger viewers understand how dangerous the world of the 1950's and 1960's was, and how the battle between Western Freedom and Communism had not yet been won. And it's a dadgum fantastic speech.  Watch with a child or a stupid neighbor, and then discuss.

THEY LOVE THE PREZ- The President is up for re-election against the ridiculous Walter Mondale. The convention speech is a classic, and lots of fun because you can hear how the people appreciate the job he has already done. Much love expressed for Mr Reagan.

NORMANDY- A touching tribute that I find myself watching every year when the anniversary rolls around.  Somber and respectful.

THE LITTLE RED HEN- Finally, the video below is not a "speech." I included it because when I play it on the radio, it always generates tremendous positive reaction. President Reagan tells the story of the Modern Little Red Hen, and illustrates the effects of socialism. This should be required listening for all the little school childreng in our country. I encourage you to play this to your toddlers repeatedly. 

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